Site invites everyone to take part in the main annual video contest - "CreaCon"
Any amateur video can take part in the competition, which made for movies, games, sports records, home videos, your own 3D, etc. (the only restriction on anime), and which wasn't premiered online.
There is no limitation on theme or genre of the video. No registration needed.
1) Workshop time till 20 June of 2020.
2) Submission deadlines: 21 March - 20 June 2020.
Prizes: Best video overall: 1 place - 7000 rubles (~100$) + statuette 2 place - 6000 rubles (~85$) + statuette 3 place - 5000 rubles (~70$) + statuette Best debut: 1 place - 2000 rubles (~25$)
Ежегодный мультифандомный фестиваль "FreeTime-Fest" (г. Гомель, Беларусь) приглашает всех желающих принять участие в конкурсе любительских видеоклипов.
Допустимые источники для FMV категории: фильм, сериал, видеоигры, домашнее видео, собственное 3D, спортивные записи. Допускается использование других источников, если они занимают не более 10%.
Эксклюзивность работ не требуется, однако к участию не допускаются клипы, занимавшее призовые места на каких-либо конкурсах и/или созданные ранее 1 ноября 2019 года. Заявки на конкурс принимаются до 29 февраля 2020 года (включительно).
Second tour voting at FreeCon 2019 contest has been started. Access to voting table have all contestants and 7 members of the jury. 25 people at total.
Contestants must vote at least in the categories where their video is present. If the vote will be absent we will fine maximum number of points in this category from the contestant which didn't vote.
Voting tables will be available until 17 December (Tuesday) 20-00 Moscow time.
First tour voting of FreeCon 2019 contest has started. There are 29 participants and 10 jury members who has access to voting tables.
The vote in the first round is completely voluntary and it will end on Thursday, December 12 at 20:00 Moscow time.
P. S. You still can join the jury in the special topic.
Site invites everyone to take part in our new video contest - "FreeCon"
Any amateur video can take part in the competition, which made for movies, games, sports records, home videos, your own 3D, etc. (the only restriction on anime), and which wasn't premiered online.
There is no limitation on theme or genre of the video. No registration needed. If desired, the clip can be put up for the competition anonymously.
We invite you to discuss and supplement the rules on contest's page on our forum.
1) Workshop time till 11 November of 2019.
2) Submission deadlines: 15 August- 11 November 2019.
Prizes: Best video overall: 1 place - 15000 rubles (~230$) + statuette 2 place - 10000 rubles (~155$) + statuette 3 place - 5000 rubles (~75$) + statuette Best debut: 1 place - 5000 rubles (~75$)
Second tour voting at CreaCon 2019 contest has been started. Access to voting table have all contestants and 5 members of the jury. 18 people at total.
Contestants must vote at least in the categories where their video is present. If the vote will be absent we will fine maximum number of points in this category from the contestant which didn't vote.
Voting tables will be available until 11 June (Tuesday) 20-00 Moscow time.
First tour voting of CreaCon 2019 contest has started. There are 22 participants and 5 jury members who has access to voting tables.
The vote in the first round is completely voluntary and it will end on Thursday, June 06 at 20:00 Moscow time.
P. S. You still can join the jury in the special topic.
Site invites everyone to take part in the main annual video contest - "CreaCon"
Any amateur video can take part in the competition, which made for movies, games, sports records, home videos, your own 3D, etc. (the only restriction on anime), and which wasn't premiered online.
There is no limitation on theme or genre of the video. No registration needed.
1) Workshop time till 12 May of 2019.
2) Submission deadlines: 21 March - 12 May 2019.
Prizes: Best video overall: 1 place - 8000 rubles (~120$) + statuette 2 place - 5000 rubles (~75$) + statuette 3 place - 3000 rubles (~45$) + statuette Best debut: 1 place - 2000 rubles (~30$)
Congratulations to all our visitors with the New 2019 Year!
Let the coming year bring with it a new, originative creativity to the authors and bright, unforgettable impressions - to the audience.
And, regardless of whether you are familiar with the video editor - good luck, happiness and warm, sincere smiles!
Celldweller mix cut
/ Leberate, 12д назад: Дело именно в синхре, ее тут мало, но клип говорит что это единственное что тут есть.
Вы можете не расятгивать кадры, а делать их короче, бысрее, эффектнее, но в любом случае это должно смотреться хорошо, глаз найдет за что зацепится в любом случае, это ж бл** ГЛАЗ!
Dune 2021-2024 (Different World Fanmade Cut)
/ Leberate, 12д назад: дизайн техники мне у них доставляет, как кстати и в халфлайф, насекомые млять, эффектно. клип так себе, чего-то тут не хватает, эпичного масштаба что ли, как в самих вильмах, размах не чувствуется.
/ Newcomer, 22д назад:
Тут просто другой жанр - экшен, но технически оба клипа на одном уровне. Я это точно знаю, поскольку делал оба одновременно). Конкретно можешь написать место, где слабовато?
/ Newcomer, 22д назад:
Можешь подробнее, что за «неправильное переключение кадров»?
И какую синхру ты тут вообще видишь?
/ Newcomer, 22д назад:
Это называется жанр, который влияет на динамику клипа. Жанр тут Драма, а не Экшен - так было задумано изначально, исходя из текста песни. Этот трэк выбирался изначально, а фильм и сцены уже под него (так как в песне есть kid и night ranger), а не наоборот. Если под него подставить экшен сцены, то о...
Сломанная стрела
/ Bean780, 23д назад:
The issue with this video is not even completely that the music did not match but the music was actually the opposite. it is one thing just to ignore the music particularly if it is in a different language but you should quickly double check to make sure there is nothing in there that completely is...
Smallville - If Everyone Cared
/ Bean780, 23д назад: this is great, in terms of what everyone is saying there are definitely a few effects (particularly the one in which the screen was moving back and forth on a black background) but most of them were fine. The only other flaw would be that piano scene which was a great touch but should have been cut ...