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14 оценок
Видеоряд:It's Such A Beautiful Day
Музыка:Askjell - The First Goodbye
Жанры:Драма / История / Психоделика / Мультфильм / Dance/Electronic
Соревнование: FocusCon 2020
Параметры видео:1424x1072 H264 (9872 kbps)
Параметры аудио:AAC
Комментов:8  [ месяц: 8 ]
Просмотров он-лайн:68

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The story of a stick-figure man named Bill, who struggles with his failing memory and absurdist visions, among other symptoms of an unknown neurological illness.

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t0m1k - 16.01.2021 в 00:24  
1 | 0
After watching the source I'ver rechecked this clip and... it's still looks pretty good and interesting. Although now I can see what job author had done with editing, I still find this job unusual and charming.

PS the source is definitely not my type but with some interesting thoughts in some places)
t0m1k - 14.01.2021 в 17:32  
2 | 0
Wow... very unusual...
A bit art-house at this con. Really interesting source I'd like to get acquainted with. Really ambient and kinda depressive clip with its own charm. Sincerely love author's works for his skill to express himself with very different types of sources. It's hard to find any lacks here, cause technically it's really clean work, may be a bit simple (it's hard to say when you haven't seen the main source), yet I enjoyed this work.
Wish you luck and wating for your next works)
Samuel - 12.01.2021 в 21:29  
2 | 0
Wow very interesting video. I see it's about humans psychological baggage and how to live with it and adapt to it. Thanks for sharing the source. Just watched it, it's something.
Freeman-47 - 12.01.2021 в 15:04  
2 | 0
Как по мне, экспериментальная и крайне душевная работа. Возможно, что из-за конкретного настроения клип так цепанул
sLove Key5 - 10.01.2021 в 19:50  
2 | 0
Ого!!! А ведь получился клип действительно круто.
Мне напомнило игру Машинариум.
Madfield - 08.01.2021 в 20:40  
3 | 0
Клип невнятный немножко, но при этом интересный, цепляющий, содержательный. Сильно не хватает таких вот оригинальных вещей.
Anejo - 08.01.2021 в 15:42  
3 | 0
Емкая работа получилась. Правда не знакома с исходником и сложно оценить объем проделанной работы. Но смотрелось круто.
MrAuditore96 - 06.01.2021 в 23:41  
3 | 0
My god, Kenji my man, how much further can you evolve?... Well, I'm hoping this question never gets an answer actually. Because I have been staring at my screen for way longer than the 177 seconds you have crafted for us here. I was transfixed my man. Lost in an aggressive yet welcome and sweet intrusion into the episodes of deep introspection I get every night.
Little did I know when I was first meeting you back in 2016, that you were bound to reveal such things from your mind. Amazing.
